The Brix Chill was a chance to put on the kind of festival we wanted to go to ourselves - three days of dancing, chilling and lots more in a stunning natural location.

Heartfelt thanks go out too all the Brix crew for making it happen, to the weather goddess for looking so favourably on us, and to Megadog and The Big Chill for putting on the kind of festivals we want to go to as well.
the brix chill angel A particular delight was the success of the Art Scamper, a series of aural and visual art installations scattered through the warren of gardens and woods. The Angel, a world first in the combination of Lego and laser technology, made jaws drop for the whole weekend.
We've gathered together some reviews and photos of the festival, so if you want to see what all the fuss is about, read on!

Choose a review of the weekend by one of the crew, or choose a munter's eye view of one night at the festival. But choose Brix.
The future's bright - the future's yellow

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